The old pond
A frog jumps in
So goes Alan Ginsberg's translation of Matsuo Basho's most famous haiku. Sometimes it only takes a simple act to stir things in exciting new ways. In fact, way back in September of 2018 when I took advantage of a WIX introductory sale to expand VernelleStudio, I had no idea that I would ever do a blog. However, having that facility added to the website enticed me to take the plunge. I started 2019 with the Art Blog as a way of sharing the experiences I have had seeing art, studying art, and producing art. With the encouragement of a few loyal readers and with the great joy the actual writing gave me, I produced the 42 pieces that make up the 2019 posts to the blog.
However, one good idea can spawn another. VernelleStudio's blog morphed into another weblog dedicated to what I call "the perfect cultural pairing" Of Art and Wine. Now, 15 posts after my first one in June, and with an ever increasing following of art lovers, wine lovers, and culture enthusiasts, I will be posting three times monthly, once every ten days to ofartandwine.com For those of you who love the little tidbits of art history that connect to the lives of great artists and their creations, you will continue to find that on ofartandwine.com, and of course, information on good wine and the food that goes with it.
That leaves me thinking about how the art blog here at VernelleStudio will move into 2020. It seems that the art wants to talk about the creative process, which can lead to some explorations with other artists and dialogue about what we do and why we do it. My being part of an active arts community should provide opportunity for some lively discourse. However, being an art history buff, I will always love to look at work that inspires me and other artists with an eye to understanding what about it captures the attention and lights a fire in us.
Recently, as part of the year end celebrations, I was asked what one word would I use to express my feelings as we enter the new year. The word that came to me immediately was Welcome! And I do feel that for all the lovers of art who find their way to this blog or the one on ofartandwine.com. I welcome you in and thank you for your visits and your comments.

Happy New Year, 2020!
Be "seeing you" in the weblogs.
For more on me and my art and travel inspired writing, to to my author page at amazon.com/author/marjorievernelle